Lucha Libros!



40,000 Book Giveaway Slated for

Saturday, May 19, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Roy Miller High School Gymnasium

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – May 8, 2018 – The Corpus Christi American Federation of Teachers, in partnership with the nonprofit organization First Book and the Corpus Christi Independent School District, will host a Lucha Libros! public book giveaway of 40,000 new books to foster a love of reading. The event will take place on Saturday, May 19, 2018, from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., at the Roy Miller High School Gymnasium, #1 Battlin’ Buc Blvd.

“We’re thrilled to bring these free high-quality books to our Coastal Bend community.” exclaimed Dr. Nancy Vera, CCAFT President. “Everyone who walks through the doors of Miller’s gymnasium on Saturday receives at least five free books. Area teachers will get 25 free books to share with students in their classrooms, and every volunteer gets 10 free books. We’re all about encouraging our students to read while helping them build their home libraries!”

The books are categorized by elementary and secondary levels and are available on a first come, first served basis to the more than 5,000 people from throughout the area expected to attend the giveaway. Teachers and district employees should bring their school ID to provide proof of employment; all are encouraged to bring backpacks to tote their books home.

“CCISD welcomes the opportunity to be a part of Lucha Libros!” said Dr. Roland Hernandez, CCISD Superintendent. ”Special thanks go out to the CCISD Administration, Board Members, our librarians, teachers and all the students who so generously help to promote literacy and the success of this event.”

The Corpus Christi American Federation of Teachers, with the support of more than 200 volunteers throughout the Coastal Bend, thanks the many community organizations that have contributed to the success of Lucha Libros! including the Corpus Christi Convention and Visitors Bureau, Home Depot, the Coastal Bend Labor Council, the Kiwanis Club Corpus Christi and numerous student groups.

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