National Hurricane Center Monitors Tropical Development in the Gulf

A storm may brew later this week in the Gulf of Mexico. The National Hurricane Center says it is continuing to monitor a broad low pressure area over the Bay of Campeche that hasn't changed much since yesterday. This system is forecast to move little over the next couple of days, then move slowly northward. It could form into a tropical depression by late week.

The forecast says there is a 80% chance of something developing, but it's still too early to predict what direction the system will take once it has gained strength later this week. The models vary greatly on the direction it might move, with one having it moving more to the north, while another has it moving more to the northeast.

This system is expected to move little during the next day or two, and any development should be slow to occur during that time period. However, the disturbance should begin to move northward by Thursday, and a tropical depression is likely to form late in the week when the low moves across the central or northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Regardless of development, heavy rainfall will continue over portions of Central America and southern Mexico during the next several days. Heavy rains could also begin to impact portions of the northern Gulf Coast on Friday.

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